Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Silliman Sells Out, For a While

I was dismayed to find a few posts on Silliman's blog dedicated to Project Runway and Barack Obama. I'm not sure how they crept into a site concerning "contemporary poetry and poetics," but a huge screenshot from Project Runway's final competition, as juxtaposed against a picture of his most recently reviewed book, is downright disturbing.

While the image of anorexic waist lines draped in gaudy couture haunted me for days, his eighteen-paragraph political commentary merely disillusioned my faith in Silliman's good intentions (and blogging decency). The posts aren't just OT, they're obscenely OT. If he feels strongly enough and has enough material about Obama and pointless television, he should start another blog and deposit that filth there.

Nevertheless, I am happy to report that he has returned to his more admirable and pertinent endeavors, and currently features a lengthy list of poetry-related links (go figure!).

1 comment:

TNLogan said...

It drives me crazy when themed blogs are that far off-topic. I guess it goes to show just how great an impact politics and eating disorders are having on society these days. Disturbing, indeed.